Mind Mapping 101

Tuesday, February 6th, 2024
1:00am - 2:00am
Cost to Attend Event

Do you view your mind as a tool that can be sharpened or the brain as a muscle that can be strengthened? Our brains are amazing and we can tap into their power with a simple tool. Peer Leader, Sue Watson, will walk participants through the tool of Mind Mapping.
Developed by Dr. Tony Buzan Mind Mapping is like a Swiss Army knife for your brain, that allows you to visually organize and connect your thoughts, ideas, and knowledge in a way that reflects the architecture of thinking. At its core, a Mind Map is the graphical representation of the way our brains naturally process and organize information.
Come out to this event and learn a simple, enriching, and fun skill. Through the process of Mind Mapping, we will doodle our way through a focus of your choosing. Be ready to explore your mindset through humor and creativity as we map our way to understanding our unique perspective and choices we have. Bring some paper and a pencil!
There will be an optional 1:1 assessment opportunity of your mindmap with Sue, which can be scheduled individually.
To be eligible for this group you must be the spouse or partner of an active-duty service member or post-service veteran, a caregiver or divorced spouse from a veteran or active-duty service member, or an active-duty service member or veteran.

Virtual Event