V-SRG Taking Care of Ourselves

Saturday, February 10th, 2024
4:00pm - 6:00pm
Cost to Attend Event

Who even has time for self-care these days? And what does self-care even mean? Is it taking a bubble bath? Going to the spa? Taking a vacation? If you've been struggling to define what self-care means for you, in a practical, achievable way, then this session Is for you. Join us for an opportunity to connect with other military/veteran spouses/partners and share your self-care journey - where you struggle, where you succeed, and discuss strategies for how to prioritize self-care, how to practice tiny self-care throughout the week, and set self-care goals.
These sessions will give participants a sneak peek into our to, leading participants through the curriculum's Taking Care of Ourselves session.
Note: To be eligible for this group you must be the spouse or committed partner of an active duty service member or post-service veteran. If you have been a past participant in the V-SRG program, you are still eligible to join this session.

Virtual Event