The Austin Mayor's Challenge has expanded into the Central Texas Challenge, partnering with the Texas Veteran’s Commission, TX Health and Human Services, and the Department of Veterans Affairs. This collaboration spans Travis, Bastrop, Williamson, Bell, and McClennan Counties.
The 2023 National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report shows that over 60% of veterans who died by suicide in 2021 had not used VHA services in the two years before, with more than 50% not accessing VHA or VBA services at all.
The report also highlights that many VHA veterans who died by suicide lacked a mental health or substance use disorder diagnosis. This emphasizes the need for broader suicide screening, assessment, and safety planning across a range of settings, both within the VHA and in community care, to reach those who might not seek mental health services but are still at risk.
In response, the Central Texas Challenge to End Veteran Suicide is conducting a community survey to improve suicide risk screening methods for veterans.
Central Texas Challenge Co-Chairs
Kimberly Weinberg, LCSW-S
Suicide Prevention Program Manager Veterans Administration kimberly.weinberg@va.gov
Tara Reyna, MS, NCC
Suicide Prevention Coordinator Texas Health and Human Services tara.reyna@hhs.texas.gov
Don Hipp, LPC-S
Provider Training Manager Texas Veterans Commission don.hipp@tvc.texas.gov
Jessica Del Rio
Suicide Prevention Manager Texas Veterans Commission jessica.delrio@tvc.texas.gov