The University of Texas at El Paso

Your Path Begins at UTEP


The Military Student Success Center (MSSC) at The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) is your designated starting point if you desire to pursue a college degree. UTEP boasts a stellar nationwide reputation and offers the lowest out-of-pocket tuition cost of any national research university. The MSSC and their dedicated staff (many of whom are veterans and students) are here to help personnel in any branch of the service to reach their educational goals.


The MSSC serves the military-affiliated community of El Paso, Fort Bliss and beyond as the epicenter for success at The University of Texas at El Paso. Through collaborative effort, the MSSC ensures student success by achieving academic, social and professional development from admissions to graduation.

he Hazlewood Act, a benefit exclusively for Texas veterans, was named after Grady Hazlewood (1902-1989) who was a member of the Texas State Senate from 1941 to 1971, representing District 31 in the Panhandle. He was known as a shrewd and likable country lawyer adept at procuring passage of his bills. Senator Hazlewood worked for passage of legislation establishing the first program in any state that permitted tuition-free education at Texas colleges and universities for returning World War II veterans. Texas veterans have benefited from the Hazlewood Act ever since.
Use the information below to determine your path, download documents, and bring to MSSC as part of your Certification Process.

Hazlewood New Students

Did you enter military service at a location in the state of Texas? Or did you enter military service outside of Texas, but have a designated home of record in the state of Texas at that time? If so, you may qualify for Hazlewood for Veterans benefits. Once your application is submitted, an MSSC Hazlewood representative will review it in the order in which it was received.

Hazlewood Returning Students

Hazlewood benefits will be posted on your account along with financial aid, approximately 2 weeks prior to the semester. Students can check Pete's Payment Options at

Hazlewood Legacy (Child Only)

Are you the biological, adopted or step-child of a Texas veteran? Will you be 25 years of age, or younger on the first day of the next semester you plan to attend? If so, you may qualify for Hazlewood Legacy benefits. Hazlewood Legacy can only be given to one child at a time. If a veteran wishes to transfer Legacy benefits from one child to another, in addition to all other required documentation, they need to fill out the Legacy Revocation Form.

Hazlewood Dependents

Are you the spouse or eligible child of a Texas veteran who became 100% disabled for the purposes of employability or died as a result of service-related injury or illness? If so, you may qualify for Hazlewood Dependents benefits.

    MSSC Will Need

/>   Application 

/>   Application for Continuation 


All Hazlewood students must make satisfactory academic progress in accordance with the institution's financial aid policy. This applies to:

  • Veterans
  • Legacy recipients
  • Children and/or spouses of disabled veterans

If a Hazlewood student has unsatisfactory academic progress, he/she must complete a term without Hazlewood and meet SAP to be reinstated. This does not apply to children or spouses of veterans killed in action, missing in action, or who died due to a service-related illness or injury.


Career Phase:
Discharges Allowed:
  • Honorable
  • General Under Honorable
Military Branch:
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • El Paso
  • Hudspeth
Services Category:
  • Education - Public University or College
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
  • No Disability Requirement
Vet Plus: