Fort Bend Lawyers Care

About UsFort Bend Lawyers Care (FBLC) was founded in 2006 by the Fort Bend County Bar Association to respond to the growing legal needs of our community's low-income residents. FBLC is a non-profit corporation that provides legal services to low-income citizens by coordinating a process to allow volunteer attorneys to accept legal cases of qualified clients. Prior to establishing Fort Bend Lawyers Care, there was no in-county pro bono organization available to assist low-income residents of Fort Bend County.

Our Mission

It is the mission of Fort Bend Lawyers Care to provide low-income Fort Bend County residents with equal access to justice through volunteer lawyers.
Pro Bono Legal Assistance Comes to Fort Bend County. Many times, citizens need answers to legal questions or simple legal advice that can be given over the telephone in just a few moments or, citizens may need a referral to other legal or social service agencies. Fort Bend Lawyers Care has established its monthly Family Law Workshop to fill this important legal need in our community.On the first Wednesday of each month, from 6:00 p.m. to 8 p.m., volunteer attorneys will answer Family Law legal questions for the low-income citizens of Fort Bend County at the Family Law Workshop. Please call 281-239-0015 to pre-qualify.


LegalLineFREE ANSWERS TO LEGAL QUESTIONS Se Habla EspañolFort Bend Lawyers CARE offers free advice by phone to low-income Fort Bend County residents. If you are a veteran or the spouse of a veteran with civil legal questions, please ask about FBLC's veterans program.Legal Line is held bi-weekly on Fridays (except on holiday weekends); calls for qualification are accepted between 10:00 AM - Noon. To pre-qualify call 281-239-0015. The attorney will return calls the same day and/or the following Monday.



Fort Bend Lawyers Care is proud to be a participant in the "Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans" State Bar of Texas program. "Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans" was developed to assist low-income, military veterans who otherwise cannot afford or do not have access to the civil legal services they need. If you are a military veteran and in need of civil legal assistance, call: 281-239-0015 or email Tasha Hernandez at:
Fort Bend Lawyers CARE is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Donations to FBLC are tax deductible (Tax ID 20-4370198). FBLC was founded by the Fort Bend County Bar Association to respond to the growing legal needs of our community's less fortunate citizens.


Career Phase:
  • Active Duty or Deployed
Discharges Allowed:
Military Branch:
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Fort Bend
Services Category:
  • Legal Assistance
  • Legal - Civil & Family Law
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
Vet Plus: