VA - Shavano Park Outpatient Clinic

WELCOME  The staff welcomes you to the Shavano Park Outpatient Clinic. Please take a few minutes to read the  following information that explains our office procedures and describes how to obtain high quality medical care, 24-hours-a-day, 7 days a week.

PRIMARY CARE Primary care is when one provider coordinates all your medical care. You will usually see this provider, however; when needed, you will be referred for specialty tests or treatment.  Reports of this care are returned to the primary care provider, who can coordinate all your care.

SERVICES In addition to primary care, this clinic has mental health and social work services available to eligible Veterans. Please ask your primary care provider for more information.

AFTER HOURS  The Shavano Park VA Outpatient Clinc does not provide after hours care. The clinic closes at 4:30 p.m. weekdays and is closed weekends and holidays. Tele-Care is available, providing 24-hour telephone medical advice to Veteran-patients. This service has bilingual capability and provides prompt, reliable, and courteous answers to patients' questions. Calling the VA's toll free number at 1-888-686-6350 can access this service.

EMERGENCY CARE  We operate on scheduled appointments.   Please make sure you know your next appointment date before you leave.

Report to the clinic 15 - 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment to allow time to park your car and register with the receptionist.

Please call our main clinic number (210) 949-3773, when you need to cancel or change appointments.  If possible, please reschedule at that time.  Scheduling hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday - Friday, except on Federal Holidays.

You are encouraged to keep all scheduled appointments.  Failure to report as scheduled can result in your not receiving treatment and medications necessary to your health.

Give your current telephone number and address to the clinic clerk at each visit.  Please bring all your insurance information to each visit.

If you do not have an appointment, please call the clinic before you come.  This can prevent unnecessary waiting after you arrive.  Sometimes your problem can be taken care of by telephone and you can avoid a trip.

PARKING  Adequate parking is adjacent to the building to accommodate your needs.

MEDICATIONS All VA prescribed medications and supplies may be obtained through the VA Pharmacy.  The Shavano Park Outpatient Clinic does not have an in house pharmacy.  All refills are obtained through the mail.  You are responsible for requesting your refills at least 10-14 days before your last dose is taken.  Refill requests are made by using our 24 hour TeleMed refill service.  A touch tone telephone is required.  The TeleMed local telephone number is   The toll free long distance number is 1-800-209-7377.

TeleMed instructions:A touch-tone phone is necessary.  Tele-Med will ask for the following:

  1. Social security number (followed by the # sign)
  2. Prescription number - numeric part only (followed by the # sign)
  • Please have your information ready before you call.

In order to receive your medications promptly, you should enter prescription numbers as soon as possible. Your prescription will be mailed out 10 days before you run out.

Inform the clinic of any address changes. If the medication does not arrive as expected, call the Tele-Med number and the computer will prompt you with information. If you have further questions, call the clinic number and ask to speak with a pharmacist. 


Open Access Scheduling is a patient-friendly system that will allow you to schedule an appointment with your provider in a timely manner. Our goal is to schedule you within five to seven days of your appointment request, at a time that both convenient for you and for your provider.

How does the Open Access Scheduling System work?

  • At the end of each visit, your provider will determine whether a follow up visit is required.
  • If a follow-up visit is required, then your provider will recommend an approximate date for your next visit.
  • If your provider wants you to return within 30 days, we will schedule an appointment before you leave the clinic
  • If the recommended return date is beyond 30 days, we will mail a reminder letter two weeks prior to that date, advising you to call for an appointment.
  • When you call, every effort will be made to schedule you within five to seven working days.
  • If you develop a medical problem prior to your next scheduled visit, you may call the Telephone Triage Nurse for direction, (210) 648-1491

8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays

  • If you do not receive a reminder letter and you believe the time has passed to schedule an appointment, please call: (210) 648-1491


For more information, contact the Health Benefits Advisor at (210) 699-2123/ (210) 699-2180South Texas Veterans Health Care System toll free at 1-877-469-5300


Career Phase:
  • No Requirement
Discharges Allowed:
  • No Minimum Discharge
Military Branch:
  • No Requirement
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Bexar
Services Category:
  • Physical Health - VA Location
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
  • No Disability Requirement
Vet Plus:
  • No Requirement