Central Texas College

With nearly 40 years experience working with military personnel, Central Texas College understands your unique needs and challenges and makes it possible for you to finish your degree, regardless of your location. We guarantee maximum credit for military education and training and will help you achieve residency through distance education courses. Whether you want to earn points toward promotion or to transfer credits toward a bachelors' degree, our site representatives and online mentors will work with you to build the degree plan that's right for you. Depending on your rank and military occupation, you may be eligible for up to 49 credit hours toward a degree. 

The Fort Cavazos Campus offers five 8-week terms throughout the year. Many courses are taught after duty hours, at lunchtime, or on the weekends. The courses are available to active duty, retired military, and civilians. 


Career Phase:
Discharges Allowed:
Military Branch:
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Virtual - Online Only
Services Category:
  • Education - Public University or College
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
Vet Plus: