Folds of Honor Foundation


The Higher Education Scholarship program is for spouses and dependents of service members who are enrolled, or planning to enroll, in an undergraduate program of study leading to a bachelor’s degree at an accredited U.S. college or university. Enrollment in an accredited technical or trade school program, which results in a certificate or diploma, are also acceptable – so long as the applicant doesn’t currently have a bachelor’s degree.No scholarship can be awarded to those pursuing a second undergraduate or graduate school (Master’s/Doctorate) degree.

Applicants must re-apply each year they wish to receive funding. Dependent(s) of the service-member must be 24 years of age or younger and unmarried.

Spouse of service-member has no age requirements/limitations, but cannot be re-married using former spouse’s military service documents.

Service-member (of any branch; active duty or reserves) must be one of the following:

KIA, killed in the line of duty, or suffered the loss of a limb; died of any cause while on active duty or after being classified as having a service-connected disability; or who has a 10% or higher combined service-connected evaluation, rated by the Veteran’s Administration. If applicant’s service-member is currently active duty, they can only be eligible to apply for a scholarship if the service-member has a Purple Heart or loss of limb, and provides current orders.




The Children’s Fund scholarship seeks to provide support for dependent(s) enrolled in grades K-12. Child entering Kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before September 1st of the current year. Funds may be used for approved/accredited private school tuition, approved/accredited educational tutoring, an approved/accredited homeschooling curriculum, required books and school uniforms. Educational tutoring may not be provided through a private individual.

Applicants must re-apply each year they wish to receive funding.

Service Member (of any branch; active duty or reserves) must be one of the following:

KIA, killed in the line of duty, or suffered the loss of a limb; died of any cause while on active duty or after being classified as having a service-connected disability; or have a 90-100% combined service-connected evaluation, rated by the Veteran’s Administration.


Career Phase:
Discharges Allowed:
Military Branch:
Programs for Family Members:
  • Military Spouse
  • Military Child
  • Surviving Spouse
  • Surviving Child
  • Vet Children
Service Counties:
  • Virtual - Online Only
Services Category:
  • Education - Scholarships and Tuition Assistance
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
Vet Plus: