Crossroads Area Veteran Center


Military Veteran Peer Network (MVPN) - this program is tasked with finding veterans and providing them with opportunities to meet and form relationships with "Peers" as well as referring them to other local resources when needed.  The Texas MVPN was created to help veterans reintegrate back into civilian life. Peer Coordinator Mike Allen runs the Gulf Bend Center’s MVPN program, facilitates groups, plans events and activities, runs a jail outreach program, and helps manage the Crossroads Area Veteran Center.
Victoria County Veterans Service Officer (VSO) - Mary Ann Adam is our county Veteran Service Officer and she manages the CAV center. VSO's are tasked with helping Vets access their Veterans Administration (VA) benefits as well as referring them to local resources. Assistance in: VA Compensation Claims, VA pension Claims, Request of Military Records, Federal and State Benefit information, Register for VA Healthcare. Assist in Burial/Death Benefits.
Texas Veterans Commission Benefits Officer (TVC) - Daniel Harasim is the Texas Veterans Commission VSO benefits officer.  He also has access to the military records database. 
Disabled American Veterans (DAV) - a local DAV representative is in the Vet Center 3-4 days a week to counsel disabled veterans about dealing with their disabilities and assist them in accessing VA benefits and local resources.
Catherine Key (LPC) Catherine is a licensed professional counselor contracted from the Corpus Christi Vet Center who has worked with veterans for 26 years. She can see any veteran who served during any wartime campaign for free mental health counseling at the CAV center.
Victoria County Veterans Peer to Peer Specialist- Sherrae Brissette is our new Peer Support Specialist. Sherrae will assist Veterans in transitioning from military service to civilian life through peer to peer support with a specialized focus on services for women, families, children, and victims of MST.


Career Phase:
Discharges Allowed:
Military Branch:
Programs for Family Members:
  • Vet Children
Service Counties:
  • Calhoun
  • DeWitt
  • Goliad
  • Jackson
  • Lavaca
  • Victoria
  • Refugio
Services Category:
  • Vet Group - Community Service
  • Mental Health - Counseling
  • Mental Health - MST
  • Mental Health - Peer Support
  • Mental Health - Veteran One Stop
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
Vet Plus:
  • Women Veterans