Voc Rehab- State of Texas!

What Is Vocational Rehabilitation?

Vocational rehabilitation (VR) services help people with disabilities prepare for, find and keep jobs. The Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) is the state agency responsible for the delivery of the VR program in Texas. Within DARS is the Division for Rehabilitation Services (DRS). This division provides VR services. You may be eligible for services, depending upon how your disability interferes with work. VR Counselors will assist you to make informed choices of services, service providers and an employment goal to help you go to work. How Do I Apply? To apply for VR services, call, write or visit the DARS Division for Rehabilitation Services office nearest you and request an appointment to meet with a counselor. If you need help locating a DRS office in your area, you may call the DARS Inquiries Line at 1-800-628-5115. When you contact the local office, please let us know if you need translator services or other accommodations for your appointment. You may also find a list of local offices at www.dars.state.tx.us.

What Kind of Services are Available?

 Vocational rehabilitation services are provided to help bridge the gap between you and meaningful employment. Some examples of services are training, counseling, surgery, artificial arms and legs, hearing aids, transportation, sign language interpreters, on-the-job supports and help finding a job. You probably won’t need all of these services and there may be other services that you need that are not on this list. You will get only those services that will help you reach your employment goal. Your counselor will provide you with information about available options and alternatives in selecting the services you need for successful employment. 
Some Examples of Services Provided
Vocational Counseling and Guidance
Job Placement Services
Home Retrofitting
Supported Employment Services
Rehab Technology
Sign Language Interpreters
***All consumers need to use comparable benefits for services, such as the VA, TWC,
GI Bill, Hazelwood Act, Pell Grant, ATCIC (MHMR), Medicare, etc. as DARS is the payer
of last resort.


Career Phase:
  • Veterans
  • Retired Military
Discharges Allowed:
  • Honorable
  • General Under Honorable
Military Branch:
  • No Requirement
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Virtual - Online Only
Services Category:
  • Basic - Home Repair and Retrofitting
  • Education - Certifications and Vo-Tech Schools
  • Education - Public University or College
  • Physical Health - Med Equip & Prosthesis
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
  • Any Disability
Vet Plus:
  • No Requirement