Texas A&M

Our mission is to provide students with information and financial resources to attend Texas A&M University, along with support programs that promote higher education and developmental opportunities.


Strategic Issues

Compliance: We must maintain compliance, stewardship of financial aid resources, and coordination of both across the university as regulations and priorities change in order to effectively provide aid to students. This issue impacts the following:

  • a failure here jeopardizes not only Federal Title IV funding, but all federal funding and state funding as well as our reputation as a model operation;
  • it affects Vision 2020 imperatives 9, 11, and 12.

Unmet Need: We must continue to fill the gaps in unmet need for students with funds other than loans and especially for certain populations. This will become more difficult as the current economic downturn and federal programs are eliminated and changed (ACG/SMART/Perkins) and State programs have static or reduced funding in the next biennium (TEXAS Grant). This issue impacts the following:

  • aid packages play a critical role in ensuring a degree from A&M remains affordable and we remain a “best value;”
  • financial challenges for students adversely affects graduation rates and graduates’ indebtedness and ability to repay loans (TAMU’s default rate will increase);
  • it affects our standing with the State and funding for aid programs as well as the university in general;
  • it impairs our ability to achieve Imperatives 6 and 12.

University Scholarships: Integration of university level scholarships combined with Improvement in coordination across the university for scholarship tools and processes is an issue because

  • it causes confusion for prospective and current students, ineffective use of university resources, and a decreased ability to be competitive when attracting students to Texas A&M;
  • system audits of other institutions have identified areas of concern;
  • it affects Imperatives 6, 11, and 12.

Diversity: We must continue to improve our utilization of existing resources, including financial aid outreach and targeted scholarship programs, in support of the university’s mission to increase enrollment of a diverse population. This impact of this issue includes the following:

  • the legislature wants all universities to come closer to reflecting the population of the state and may use as a measure that affects direct State support and State aid programs;
  • other aid and scholarship programs are indirectly affected;
  • it affects Imperatives 6, 9, and 12.

Veterans: The high level of publicity relating to veterans coupled with a need for improved transitional support is an issue because

  • it directly affects our state and national reputation and our ability to recruit veterans and now their dependents;
  • the lack of support adversely affects academic success, graduation rates, and average student loan debt and the ability to repay;
  • it adversely affects Imperative 3; and
  • enrolling and graduating veterans allows us to capitalize on the diversity of the military to help meet Imperative 6 which in turn can positively impact state funding.

Imperatives: (3) Enhance the Undergraduate Academic experience, (6) Diversify and Globalize the A&M Community, (9) Build Community and Metropolitan Connections, (11) Attain Resource Parity with the Best Public Universities, and (12) Meet Our Commitment to Texas


Career Phase:
Discharges Allowed:
Military Branch:
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Brazos
Services Category:
  • Education
  • Education - Public University or College
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
Vet Plus: