San Marcos Treatment Center

Founded and in continuous operation since 1940, San Marcos Treatment Center has maintained its core belief in the value of each individual as championed by the Browns more than 70 years ago. We are a premier provider of intensive psychiatric residential evaluation and treatment, offering services to a unique population of children and adolescents from across the United States and overseas.

Because we believe in young people and their ability to change and grow in healthy and productive ways, we build on their strengths as we work with them to face challenges. The clinical team members develop an individualized treatment plan designed to address a variety of issues. Consideration is given both to the needs of patients and those of parents or guardians. Some of our patients may have already experienced multiple disappointments with treatment prior to coming to us. For others this may be a first residential placement. In either situation, it is likely that you are looking for something different, an approach that will help your child and family. Most often we admit patients with a complex array of behavioral, neurodevelopmental or neuropsychiatric problems. Regardless of the degree of need, we provide the care and treatment required to increase the likelihood of the best possible outcome for your child or adolescent and your family.

San Marcos provides structured treatment that can be understood by borrowing from ancient Native American culture. This way of thinking about treatment is intended to help our patients, families and staff more easily understand some of the key components of treatment and recognize these as part of a process or journey. Despite the difficulty of this process, it can lead to a better life. The teaching framework includes the Medicine Wheel which reflects principles, direction and values consistent with treatment efforts and our mutual striving to deal with the challenge, change and struggle that is part of life. Conflict and struggle are recognized as a natural part of the process to achieve balance and health in life. The stages (directions) and lessons can be seen in this way -


Career Phase:
Discharges Allowed:
  • No Minimum Discharge
Military Branch:
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Hays
Services Category:
  • Housing
  • Housing - In-Patient Substance and MH
  • Mental Health - Counseling
  • Mental Health - PTSD
  • Mental Health - Youth & Family Services
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
  • No Disability Requirement
Vet Plus: