American Ex-Prisoners of War

The American Ex-Prisoners of War (AXPOW) is a not-for-profit, Congressionally-chartered, veterans’ service organization that advocates for former prisoners of war and their families.  Established April 14, 1942 as the Bataan Relief Organization (BRO), its name was changed to American Ex-Prisoners of War at its second National Convention in April 1949. 

The reason for the name change was so veterans from the European Theater would realize that they were eligible for membership. By changing the name to American Ex-Prisoners of War, it would welcome all former POWs, Civilian Internees and their families and descendents from any war. There were 800 at the 1949 convention.

The AXPOW emblem was designed as a lapel pin by former prisoner of war and National Director, Bryan T. Doughty of Denver, Colorado, in 1949. The heraldic symbols, representing Justice, are balanced on swords. The curves at the top of the shield portray the two massive military defeats suffered by the United States Armed Forces in World War II: Bataan and the Belgium Bulge.

Later, the Ex-POW motto was adopted: NON SOLUM ARMIS, Latin for "Not by Arms Alone." Membership is open to citizens of the United States who were captured or interned by the enemy.

How to Contact Us

David Eberly, Chief Executive Officer 205 Roger WebsterWilliamsburg VA 23185(757) 253-9553 – Home(757) 508-8453 -

Clydie J. Morgan, Executive Director/TreasurerPO Box 3444Arlington, TX 76007-3444(817)

Cheryl Cerbone, Editor EX-POW Bulletin23 Cove View DriveSouth Yarmouth, MA


Career Phase:
Discharges Allowed:
  • No Minimum Discharge
Military Branch:
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Virtual - Online Only
Services Category:
  • Vet Group - Veteran Association
  • Mental Health - Peer Support
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
  • No Disability Requirement
Vet Plus: