Gulf Bend Center



Many individuals face mental health challenges every day and don’t know where to turn for help. Gulf Bend Center provides mental health services to adults and children in Calhoun, DeWitt, Goliad, Jackson, Refugio, Lavaca and Victoria Counties.  From our 24 Hour Crisis Hotline and vast service array, we have the resources and staff to help individuals in need.

To make an appointment or for general information about Gulf Bend Center’s mental health services, call 361.575.0611 or toll-free 800.421.8825.


Screening & Crisis Response: Available to any person in crisis residing within Gulf Bend Center’s seven county service area, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  24 Hour Toll-Free Crisis Hotline: (877) 723-3422 

Diagnostic Assessment: An evaluation by our professional staff to determine the presence and severity of mental illness, treatment needs and eligibility for services.

Information & Referral: We provide an explanation of and assistance with accessing community, state, federal and private services needed or desired by individuals or families to help with their problems.

Medical Services: A team of professionals including psychiatrists and nurses deliver services to our mental health and intellectual & developmental disability populations.

Counseling: Our licensed professionals provide brief counseling services designed to help you recognize problems related to your condition and develop the skills needed to perform activities of daily living.

Case Management: Gulf Bend Center offers Routine and Intensive Case Management for individuals in services.  Our Case Managers monitor an individuals’ plan of care and make adjustments as needed to assist individuals in meeting their recovery goals.  These services monitor how a person is responding to treatment and may link the person to other community agencies or resources if needed.

Employment Services: We offer training necessary to help you become employable and find & maintain desired & suitable employment.

Skills Training: Our staff will provide services to assist you in building skills to address your needs.  These skills may include problem identification and solving related to your condition and acquiring the skills necessary to meet your goals.  

Psychosocial Rehabilitative Services:  Social, educational, behavioral, and cognitive interventions provided by members of an individual’s therapeutic team that addresses deficits in the individual’s ability to develop and maintain social relationships, occupational or educational achievement, independent living skills, and housing.

Supported Housing:  Within our mental health services, we assist individuals in choosing, obtaining, and maintaining regular, integrated housing.  

Peer Support Services:  Provides vision driven hope and encouragement to support people in their recovery and assist them in connecting to the community from the viewpoint of someone with a lived experience with a mental illness. Peer Supports provide opportunities for individuals receiving services to direct their own recovery process and by acting as an advocate for the needs and rights of persons served.


Career Phase:
Discharges Allowed:
  • No Minimum Discharge
Military Branch:
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Calhoun
  • DeWitt
  • Goliad
  • Jackson
  • Lavaca
  • Refugio
  • Victoria
Services Category:
  • Mental Health - Counseling
  • Mental Health - Youth & Family Services
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
  • No Disability Requirement
Vet Plus: