Midwestern State University

Prospective Students

  1. Apply to M.S.U.
  2. Request all transcripts be sent to the Admissions Office.
    • Transcripts must be sent directly from the University or Institution to MSU Admissions. No hand carried transcripts will be accepted. For a transcript request form, click here.
    • For a military transcript request form click here.
  3. If this is your first time ever using VA Education Benefits you need to apply by filling out a VA Application. Go to DVA web site or contact the MSU VA Office.
    • For Ch. 30, 33, 1606 or 1607 use VA Form 22-1990. (Veterans or Reservists)
      • All Veterans must attach a copy of a DD 214 to the application.
      • Reservists must attach a DD 2384-1 (Notice of Basic Eligibility)
    • For Ch. 35 benefits use VA Form 22-5490. (Dependents of 100% disabled veterans)
      • Children must attach a copy of a birth certificate to the application.
      • Spouses must attach a copy of a marriage license to the application.

For Ch. 31 Vocational Rehabilitation benefits use VA Form 28-1900 or contact MSU VA for the nearest Vocational Rehabilitation counselor.

New and Current Students:

If you have used VA Education Benefits at another school but are new to MSU the Change of Place of Training and Program form must be filled out.  For Ch. 30, 33, 1606 and 1607 VA Form 22-1995 must be used.  For Ch. 35 students the VA Form 22-5495should be completed.

All students must complete the Benefit Request Form at the beginning of each semester once they have registered for classes.  This is how you notify MSU VA that you are registered and wish to use your benefits for the semester.

  1. Call (940) 397-4305, e-mail, or come by the MSU VA office each semester to verify receipt of your documents.
  2. The Department of Veterans Affairs does not pay any benefits before the semester. You will be paid after each month throughout the semester. For new applications, the process time is approximately 60 days.
  3. Provide MSU VA with a copy of your degree plan by the second semester of enrollment. Request the degree plan from your advisor.
  4. For students who enroll 3/4 time or more, you can apply for VA work-study positions.

We have an open-door policy.  Come by or call with questions, any time. Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.


Career Phase:
Discharges Allowed:
Military Branch:
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Wichita
Services Category:
  • Education
  • Education - Public University or College
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
Vet Plus: