The University of Texas at Arlington - Veterans Upward Bound

UT Arlington Veterans Upward Bound is a free program for qualified veterans, designed to motivate and assist veterans in the development of academic and other requisite skills necessary for acceptance and success in a program of postsecondary education. The program provides assessment and enhancement of basic skills through counseling, mentoring, tutoring and academic instruction in the core subject areas of mathematics through pre-calculus, laboratory science, foreign language, composition and literature. The primary goal of the program is to increase the rate at which participants enroll in and complete postsecondary education programs.

UT Arlington Veterans Upward Bound is totally FREE. All books and classroom materials are provided. In our Learning Center, you receive individualized tutoring from an instructor who has identified your strengths and needs. You will advance at your own pace, refresh those forgotten skills, and propel towards academic success in higher education. Our counselor answers questions you have about the college enrollment process and helps you make vital contacts with people in the school you plan to attend. Other services include:

  • Basic skills development to help veterans successfully complete a high school equivalency program and gain admission to college education programs.
  • Short-term remedial or refresher classes for high school graduates that have put off pursuing a college education.
  • Assistance with applications to the college or university of choice.
  • Assistance with applying for financial aid.
  • Academic advice and assistance.
  • Career counseling.
  • Personalized counseling.
  • Assistance in getting veterans services from other available resources.
  • Exposure to cultural events, academic programs, and other educational activities.

In order to be eligible for UT Arlington Veterans Upward Bound, participants must meet the following criteria:

  • Reside in Tarrant or Dallas County.
  • Served in active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for more than 180 days and received other than a dishonorable discharge;
  • Be either low-income (based on family income and number of dependents) or potential first generation college students (neither parent earned a 4-year degree);
  • Demonstrate academic potential as well as have academic need.
  • Are a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces called to active duty for a period of more than 30 days, or
  • Are a member of a reserve component of the Armed Forces who served on active duty in support of a contingency operation on or after September 11, 2001.


Career Phase:
Discharges Allowed:
  • Honorable
  • General Under Honorable
Military Branch:
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Tarrant
Services Category:
  • Education
  • Education - Public University or College
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
  • No Disability Requirement
Vet Plus: