Allies in Service - Warrior Mentorship Program

Allies in Service's mission is to identify and support veterans who need assistance in the areas of employment, housing, education, and health care. We partner with veterans, employers, community and other veteran support organizations to educate and enhance the quality of life of our veterans.

Vietnam Veteran and former Dallas Cowboys quarterback Roger Staubach founded Allies in Service to reach out to veterans and the community by leveraging an all-encompassing network of support in the areas of employment, housing, education, and health care. Allies in Service's vision is that our community of service members, veterans, and their families has access to quality healthcare, education, safe and affordable housing choices, and meaningful employment.

The Warrior Mentorship Program connects Dallas-area veterans, service members, and spouses (Pros) with business professionals (Mentors) for a year-long mentorship. Mentors and Pros are paired based on career objectives, background, and professional experience. The goals of the mentorship program are defined between Mentors and Pros through regular discussions and meetings, and a personalized action plan is created and implemented to achieve those goals. Pairing Pros with Mentors creates a network of support outside the standard channels, and enables the Pro to reach his or her full potential while transitioning into corporate careers.

The Warrior Mentorship Program is a competitive program with a limited number of Pro openings, so it is important to complete the application. The application will be used to evaluate strength as a candidate as well as assist Allies in Service in finding the best possible Mentor.

All Pros participate in a program orientation, mock interview, monthly meetings, and one-on-one mentoring with a designated Mentor. Allies in Service Mentors act as an extra set of eyes and ears for our Pros as they establish career goals, seek professional development opportunities, network, and negotiate employment offers.

Any veteran, service member, or their spouse who has honorably served in any branch of service is eligible to apply for the program as a Pro. 


Career Phase:
  • Retired Military
  • Transitioning Military
  • Veterans
Discharges Allowed:
  • Honorable
  • General Under Honorable
Military Branch:
  • No Requirement
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Collin
  • Dallas
  • Denton
  • Ellis
  • Johnson
  • Kaufman
  • Wise
  • Parker
  • Rockwall
  • Tarrant
  • Aransas
  • Henderson
  • Hood
  • Hunt
  • Somervell
Services Category:
  • Employment - One-on-One Job Search Help
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
  • No Disability Requirement
Vet Plus:
  • No Requirement