
CareerOneStop is: Your source for employment information and inspiration, The place to manage your career, Your pathway to career success, Tools to help job seekersstudentsbusinesses and career professionals, Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor

CareerOneStop products include:

  • America’s Service Locator connects individuals to employment and training opportunities available at local One-Stop Career Centers. The website provides contact information for a range of local work-related services, including unemployment benefits, career development, and educational opportunities. (
  • America’s Career InfoNet helps individuals explore career opportunities to make informed employment and education choices. The website features user-friendly occupation and industry information, salary data, career videos, education resources, self-assessment tools, career exploration assistance, and other resources that support talent development in today's fast-paced global marketplace. (
  • mySkills myFuture helps laid-off workers and other career changers find new occupations to explore. Users can identify occupations that require skills and knowledge similar to their current or previous job, learn more about these suggested matches, locate local training programs, and/or apply for jobs. (
  • Competency Model Clearinghouse provides the business community with a means to communicate its skill needs to educators and the workforce system in a common industry-driven framework. The models and other competency-based resources support development of curriculum and increased awareness of careers in high-growth industries. (
  • Worker ReEmployment provides employment, training, and financial assistance for laid-off workers. The website includes a Job Search tool with job listings for all fifty states updated daily. Users will also find resources for getting immediate help with unemployment insurance, healthcare, and other financial needs; job searching and resume tips; changing careers and understanding transferable skills; and upgrading skills through education and training. (
  • Veterans ReEmployment is a one-stop website for employment, training, and financial help after military service. The website includes the Military-to-Civilian Job Search tool where veterans and service members can search for jobs based on the skills and experiences they gained in the military. The site also includes tips for job searching and links to national, state, and local resources specifically for veteran job seekers. (

Publish CareerOneStop data directly on your own website. CareerOneStop offers a wide range of career, employment and education data as Web Services, allowing third parties to obtain quality-controlled data sets and seamlessly integrate them into their own websites. Visit CareerOneStop's Web Services for more information.


Career Phase:
  • Transitioning Military
Discharges Allowed:
  • No Minimum Discharge
Military Branch:
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Virtual - Online Only
Services Category:
  • Employment - Job Websites
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
  • No Disability Requirement
Vet Plus: