DAV - Disabled American Veterans

Disabled American Veterans (DAV) has never wavered in our commitment to serve our nation’s service-connected disabled veterans, their dependents and survivors. Our largest endeavor in fulfilling that mission is our National Service Program. 

In 88 offices throughout the United States and in Puerto Rico, the DAV employs a corps of approximately 260 National Service Officers (NSOs) who represent veterans and their families with claims for benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the Department of Defense and other government agencies. Veterans need not be DAV members to take advantage of this outstanding assistance, which is provided free of charge.

NSOs function as attorneys-in-fact, assisting veterans and their families in filing claims for VA disability compensation and pension; vocational rehabilitation and employment; education; home loan guaranty; life insurance; death benefits; health care and much more. They provide free services, such as information seminars, counseling and community outreach. NSOs also represent veterans and active duty military personnel before Discharge Review Boards, Boards for Correction of Military Records, Physical Evaluation Boards and other official panels. The work of NSOs extends well beyond their offices and extends deep within the veterans’ community.  Part of their outreach activities involves DAV's Mobile Service Office (MSO) Program. This program is designed to educate disabled veterans and their families on specific veterans' benefits and services.  This outreach program generates considerable claims work on behalf of veterans and their families. NSOs, often aided by Department and Chapter Service Officers, travel to communities across the country to counsel and assist veterans with development of evidence, completion of required applications and prosecution of claims for veterans benefits administered under federal, state and local laws.

The DAV’s Mobile Service Office (MSO) program was revitalized in March 2001 and is the most extensive outreach effort in the history of our organization. Thanks to the generosity of a $2 million pledge from the Harley-Davidson Foundation since 2007, the DAV expanded the sites visited by the MSO to include Harley-Davidson dealerships, where benefits assistance is offered to veterans of all generations in communities where they live.  These distinctive- looking and well equipped "offices on wheels" eliminate long trips some veterans in smaller towns and rural communities must take to visit our National Service Offices. The MSO program enhances DAV service to more veterans and their families.   Need guidance making the transition to civilian life? Contact a Transition Service Officer.

DAV’s 38 Transition Service Officers provide benefits counseling and assistance to service members filing initial claims for VA benefits at more than 109 military installations throughout the nation.By filing compensation claims at separation centers, where service medical records and examination facilities are readily available, DAV is able to provide better, more prompt service to these future veterans.


Career Phase:
Discharges Allowed:
Military Branch:
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Virtual - Online Only
Services Category:
  • VA Claims Assistance
  • Vet Group - Veteran Association
  • Transportation
  • Transportation - Local
  • Transportation - Long Distance
  • Transportation - Medical
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
Vet Plus: