HILL COUNTRY VETERANS COUNCIL meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month @ 9:00AM at the Kerrville Chamber.
The major mission of the Hill Country Veterans Council is to:
- Save VA Hospitals nationwide.
- Lobby Congress for adequate funding for Veteran Healthcare nationwide.
- Work to have VA Hospital facilities fully utilized.
- Work to have all services, which were discontinued, at VA Hospitals restored to the 1995 level.
- Provide assistance to and work with Veterans organizations throughout the nation to insure that Veterans receive the promised Healthcare.
- Use the strong membership base to continue to disclose to the elected officials, VA leadership, and the public the enormous hardship our Veterans are going through in order to receive their promised Healthcare.
- Encourage Veterans to register to vote and then vote so their impact will be felt in Washington.
- Provide assistance to all Veterans Service Officers in their local Voter Registration efforts.