MHMR Services for the Concho Valley

Mental Health Services

Approximately 1 in 5 Americans is affected by a mental illness. This can occur in anyone, regardless of race, gender, age or socioeconomic status. Scientific study of the brain and behavior has led to new and very effective treatments for people with mental illness. 

MHMR Services for the Concho Valley provides complete mental health services to adults and children living in the Concho Valley. From our 24-hour Crisis Line and treatment interventions, we have the facilities, resources, and staff to help you. 

Crisis Services

Our mobile crisis outreach team (MCOT) is a team of mental health professionals who help people having a mental health crisis. Help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at home, work or school, in clinics and on the streets.  The MCOT also works with the police department, the sheriff’s department and EMS.

Someone in a mental heatlh crisis may have a  hard time dealing with everyday things. A CRISIS CAN HAPPEN ANY TIME, ANYWHERE. IF YOU NEED HELP NOW, CALL THE 24/7 CRISIS HOTLINE AT 325-653-5933 or 1-800-395-8965.

Outpatient Services

MHMRCV's mental health outpatient services are designed to help sustain a healthy life style. We work closely with clients to identify psychiatric disorders, assess immediate long-range mental health needs, and provide appropriate treatment services that will stabilize symptoms.


Crisis Intervention and Recovery Psychiatric Services Medication management, training and support Counseling Services Crisis Respite Services

Inpatient Crisis Stabilzation Services Case Management/Rehab Services Skills Training Intensive Treatment Interventions Jail Diversion Services

Peer Support Services Supported Housing Supported Employment Consumer Benefits


Career Phase:
Discharges Allowed:
  • No Minimum Discharge
Military Branch:
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Reagan
  • Coke
  • Concho
  • Irion
  • Sterling
  • Tom Green
  • Crockett
Services Category:
  • MH - Counseling
  • MH - Youth & Family Services
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
  • No Disability Requirement
Vet Plus: