MVPN - Camino Real Community MHMR Center

Veteran's Services: Camino Real is a Veteran friendly and Veteran informed agency – we help Veterans and families in a variety of ways.

CRCS is part of the Military Veteran Peer Network.


We have “Peer to Peer” Support where Vet help Vets. Our Veteran Peer Support Specialists have gone through at least two levels of training preparing them for effective Peer Support and Outreach work. In addition to individual support contacts, our Veteran Program staff hold regular Peer Support Groups. Our program of individual support, advice and networking has proven to be extremely valuable and a Vet friendly source of mentorship and guidance.


Our agency has for some years now provided our Veterans with access to Veterans Administration Psychologists with special training in treatment for PTSD and other problems that can arise with military service. Five of our community-based clinics are equipped with the secure Telemedicine video connection equipment used by the VA to serve Veterans closer to the Veterans’ own community. The right equipment, local community office sites, technical and Veteran Peer Support Staff – all come together so that our rural Veterans have more “Open Doors” to the VA. This service is available at our clinic locations in Crystal City, Eagle Pass, Floresville, Jourdanton, Pearsall, and now in Kenedy. 


It is important to think about Veterans with Psychiatric conditions deserving VA Medical care as a subset of all Veterans getting Medical Care.

Reliable estimates for PTSD Rates:

  • Vietnam between 15% and 30%
  • Persian Gulf War between 9% and 24%
  • Iraq and Afghanistan about 12.5%
  • For the 12,171 Vets and their families and friends in the CRCS nine county area, between 1,095 and 3,651 could be contending with the challenges of PTSD

EXPANDED SERVICES: In 2014 Camino Real competed for and earned additional resources for our Western Counties, Maverick, Dimmit, and Zavala and Veteran Peer Specialists, special Veterans events and other services have blossomed in those counties in coordination with the Maverick County Veteran Service Officer and with area Traditional Veteran Organizations.  ANNOUNCING!!! 

This program is supported by a grant from the Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans` Assistance. The Fund for Veterans’ Assistance provides grants to organizations serving veterans and their families.

July 1st commences a special new capability serving area Veterans through Camino Real Community Services. Our agency competed for and was awarded special Veterans Assistance Funds from the Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Fund for Veterans Assistance (FVA). Nicknamed “VIRA” for Veteran Immediate Rural Assistance, this new program will allow our Veteran Program trained staff to take rapid action to assist Veterans or families with financial distress that is temporarily overwhelming. Such financial distress can happen unexpectedly for various reasons and Vets and families can work toward solving the problems if they just get some assistance right away without delay – utilities, housing, food – keeping shelter and safety long enough to solve sudden problems – our Veterans will have rapid access to the resources needed to help.


Partner with local community resources, businesses and veteran organizations to ensure veterans' basic needs are met.

County Veteran Population Unique Patients Medical Expenditure
Atascosa 3,241 895 $9,950,000
Dimmit 560 135 $796,000
Frio 741 185 $1,924,000
Karnes 943 241 $2,173,000
LaSalle 286 63 $287,000
McMullen 114 11 $142,000
Maverick 1,541 288 $2,000,000
Wilson 4,472 1,061 $7,638,000
Zavala 273 108 $868,000



Career Phase:
  • Retired Military
  • Transitioning Military
  • Veterans
Discharges Allowed:
  • No Minimum Discharge
Military Branch:
  • No Requirement
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Atascosa
  • Frio
  • Wilson
  • Dimmit
  • La Salle
  • McMullen
  • Maverick
  • Zavala
  • Karnes
Services Category:
  • Basic - Emergency Funds
  • MH - PTSD
  • MH - Counseling
  • MH - Peer Support
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
  • No Disability Requirement
Vet Plus:
  • No Requirement