Sul Ross State University


Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) Consortium

Sul Ross State University is a member of the Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) Consortium of approximately 1,900 colleges and univeristies. SOC Consortium members subscribe to principles and criteria to ensure that quality academic programs are available to servicemembers, including members of the National Guard and Coast Guard, their family members, reservists, and veterans of all Services. As a SOC Consortium member, Sul Ross State University ensures that military students share in appropriately accredited postsecondary educational opportunities available to other citizens. Flexibility of programs and procedures, particularly in admissions, counseling, credit transfer, course articulations, recognition of non-tradiational learning experiences, scheduling, course format, and residency requirements are provided to enhance access of servicemembers and their family members to higher education.

Veteran Education Certification

The SRSU Veteran Certification office is the Center for Enrollment Services. SRSU Veteran Affairs is not a division of the United States Department of Veteran Affairs. It serves as a liaison between the VA and those students of SRSU participating in a VA educational program. There is no official VA representative on campus at SRSU.

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The Center for Enrollment Services can assist with the processing of VA forms required for educational benefits. We are primarily here to certify student enrollment to the VA.  Because a student's entitlement is based upon the number of credit hours for which that student is enrolled, the veteran's enrollment status and academic progress is closely monitored by the VA. If the VA finds a problem, the Veteran Affairs Regional Office will report the problem in writing, both to the student and to the Veteran's Certification office at SRSU. It is the responsibility of the student to respond to any letter that is sent to them by the VARO. The SRSU Veteran's Certification officer will be glad to assist you and answer any question he can. In order to assist each student with their VA certification, we need the student to ensure they fulfill their responsibilities under the VA program.


Career Phase:
Discharges Allowed:
Military Branch:
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Medina
Services Category:
  • Education
  • Education - Public University or College
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
Vet Plus: