Texas A&M University at Galveston

Howdy & Welcome!

Student Veteran Association

Mission Statement

The Student Veterans Association (SVA) at TAMUG provides assistance as well as resources for transitioning military personnel.  Our mission is to create a comfortable social, and informational environment for veterans while they transition to academia.

Our Chapter at a Glance

We are extremely excited that you have chosen to make Texas A&M Galveston your new home, and thank you for your brave service to our country. Balancing college with a busy work schedule, and adjusting to civilian life, can be a lot to manage all at once.  One reason our chapter exists, is to aid new and current veterans in the transition process, and the overall college experience.  As many of our members represent the various backgrounds in the military climate, we seek to model excellence on and off campus, to serve as role models for the student body and to people in the community.  With 86 veterans currently on campus, and more applying each semester, we represent a substantial part of the TAMUG student life.  The TAMUG-SVA has a fantastic network of AD-JUNCT personnel who are always nearby to lend a helping hand, as well as an extensive list of resources on and off campus.  Additionally, the SVA participates in community events several times a year, by way of Big Event and community fund raising. 

Our membership meets Thursdays at noon, in the Northen Banquet Room located in the Mary Moody Northen Student Center.  

We always welcome new veterans and look forward to assisting in your new scholastic career!  If you need resources or assistance, ASK!! The SVA leadership is here to make this the best experience possible!

Since our inception in 2008, SVA has operated and is structured as a member-driven organization. We are continuously looking for ways to better serve and support student veterans. Come and join us at our local events, or meet us around campus.


Applying to Texas A&M University at Galveston

Texas A&M University has always had a strong presence of the military and veterans. Founded in 1876 as a military academy, we are proud of our long standing tradition of association with the military. Currently over 1200 students, both veterans and dependents of veterans, receive veteran or military educational benefits. We are committed to providing the best possible educational experience and service to all that attend our University. Texas A&M commissions more officers than any university outside of the military academies. We are also proud to have seven Medal of Honor recipients among our Aggie Former Students.

Texas A&M University is a member of the Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges (SOC) Consortium of approximately 1,900 college and universities. SOC Consortium members subscribe to principles and criteria to ensure that quality academic programs are available to service members, including members of the National Guard and Coast Guard, their family members, reservists, and veterans of all Services. As a SOC Consortium member, this institution ensures that military students share in appropriately accredited postsecondary educational opportunities available to other citizens. Flexibility of programs and procedures, particularly in admissions, counseling, credit transfer, course articulations, recognition of non-traditional learning experiences, scheduling, course format, and residency requirements are provided to enhance access of service members and their family members to higher education programs.

The Texas A&M University System is committed to providing a welcoming environment, quality education and path to success for veterans, dependents and the military community. These Best Practices guidelines are based on a holistic approach and input from numerous veterans support organizations and universities. They provide an optimum framework for supporting those who have served their country in uniform, and whose unique experiences enhance their own lives and enrich those of their new academic families. Read more about the Best Practices for Military and Veterans Support and Services.

Read "Returning from the War Zone: A Guide for Military Personnel."

You will also find helpful information, especially concerning the new GI Bill, on these websites, which will be periodically updated on this page. You can ask questions about your Veteran's Benefits at veterans@tamug.edu.


Career Phase:
Discharges Allowed:
Military Branch:
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Galveston
Services Category:
  • Education
  • Education - Public University or College
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
Vet Plus: