Texas State University Small Business Development Center (SBDC) - Round Rock

What do we do?

We provide a vast array of technical assistance to small businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs. By supporting business growth, sustainability and enhancing the creation of new businesses entities, SBDCs foster local and regional economic development through job creation and retention.



Provide confidential business counseling services at no charge to our clients. Our business advisors apply their skills and experience to assist you.

• http://sbdc.mccoy.txstate.edu/Request-SBDC-Counseling-Services.html


This program provides research data and analyses and web-based information that enable SBDC clients to make sound business decisions.

• http://www.sbdcnet.org/market-research-services


Seminars and workshops combine traditional business training with real-world applications that can be readily applied to your business.

• http://sbdc.mccoy.txstate.edu/training.html


Career Phase:
Discharges Allowed:
Military Branch:
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Travis
  • Williamson
Services Category:
  • Employment
  • Employment - Entrepreneurial
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
Vet Plus: