Texas Veterans Commission (TVC) Employment Services

The Texas Veterans Commission offers employment services to Texas veterans and helps employers find qualified veteran job applicants.  Our vision is that every veteran and eligible veteran spouse in the State of Texas have access to long term and meaningful work. To bring that vision into reality, TVC-Employment Services provides sound job coaching and pathways to overcome employment barriers. In conjunction with assisting our Veterans, our Veterans Employment Representatives (VERs) work diligently to communicate and assist employers with understanding the unique benefits and simple procedures involved with hiring Texas Veterans.

Over 170 Texas Veterans Commission VERs located in workforce center in more than 75 cities throughout Texas provide a full range of employment services and offer one-on-one assistance with job applications, resume preparation, job matching and searches, as well as other intensive services.  Intensive services are offered to disabled veterans and veterans with barriers to employment, including but not limited to homeless, economically or educationally disadvantaged veterans with other barriers to employment.

Veteran Employment Representative (VER)

VERs are located at One-Stop Career Centers provide employment related services to include: transferring military occupation to civilian occupations based on skill set; conducting job searches; providing information about employment prospects, employers; providing resources for resumes and job training as well as access to education programs; and more.  For more information and assistance in locating a VER near you see the following link.



Disabled Veterans Outreach Program Specialist (DVOP)

The primary focus of DVOPs is to provide intensive services to disabled veterans or veterans with significant barriers to employment.

Local Veterans Employment Representatives (LVER)

The primary focus of LVERs is to provide job coaching for veterans with an emphasis on recently-separated veterans. Additionally, LVERs outreach businesses and community-based organizations to promote the hiring of veterans.

Veteran Business Representatives (VBR)

The VBR works with employers to help them understand the value of hiring qualified veterans who possess numerous and unique skill sets gained through military service. Additionally, the VBR provides employers with qualified, pre-screened veteran candidates for employment opportunities. This service is provided at no cost to the employer.  For more details and contact information please see the following link.


Over 170 Texas Veterans Commission employment representatives provide a full range of employment services and are located in more than 75 cities throughout Texas

Employment services include:

  • Intensive services
  • Converting military occupation to civilian occupations for resume and job search
  • Job matching and referrals
  • Resume assistance
  • Employer outreach
  • Job search workshops
  • Vocational guidance
  • Labor market information
  • Referrals to training
  • Other supportive services 

- See more at: http://www.texvet.org/resources/texas-veterans-commission-job-resources#sthash.ngdv4qDr.dpuf


Career Phase:
  • Transitioning Military
Discharges Allowed:
  • Honorable
  • General Under Honorable
Military Branch:
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Virtual - Online Only
Services Category:
  • Employment - Job Websites
  • Education - Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Education - Certifications and Vo-Tech Schools
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
  • No Disability Requirement
Vet Plus: