Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) - Skills for Veterans

The TWC Skills for Veterans initiative dedicates $1 million from the Skills Development Fund to address the training needs of post-9/11 veterans returning home and entering the Texas workforce. Skills for Veterans will enhance the skills of veterans, which will benefit Texas employers. Employers who hire post-9/11 era veterans, especially those who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn or Operation Enduring Freedom, may be eligible to participate in this training opportunity.

All private businesses, including private, nonprofit hospitals, can apply to TWC for training offered by their local community or technical college, or the Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX), to upgrade the skills of newly hired veterans. We review the applications and work with the college to fund the specific courses selected by businesses for their employees.

For assistance, contact TWC Workforce Business Services staff at 877-463-1777 or e-mail SkillsforVeterans@twc.state.tx.us. http://www.twc.state.tx.us/svcs/funds/skills-veterans-initiative.html Private Texas employers can apply to the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) for the Returning Veterans Skills Training Grant by partnering with established training providers such as community colleges, apprenticeship training programs, or community-based training programs with demonstrated experience. Employers must be based in Texas and good standing and in compliance with the Texas Unemployment Compensation Act and other applicable state and federal labor laws.

Veterans eligible for skills training scholarships must: be discharged or released from active duty within the previous 36 months under conditions other than dishonorable; have served during war, campaign. or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized;, employed by a participating employer or have an offer of employment from a participating employer; and provide a DD-214 to document service status.

Scholarship funds can be used to pay tuition, books, and fees for eligible veterans. Scholarships may be granted for amounts up to $1000 per scholarship. Scholarships may exceed $1,000 with sufficient justification. The veteran's GI Bill is not affected.


Career Phase:
  • Veterans
  • Retired Military
  • Transitioning Military
Discharges Allowed:
  • Honorable
  • General Under Honorable
Military Branch:
  • No Requirement
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Virtual - Online Only
Services Category:
  • Employment - Job Websites
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
  • No Disability Requirement
Vet Plus:
  • No Requirement