University of North Texas

Campus veteran services

The University of North Texas maintains a community supporting a seamless transition from military life to civilian college life.  Our goal is to remove barriers that student veterans face with the transition support.  We hope to provide student veterans and dependents connections to resources both on and off campus, and to give recognition to the service members in our UNT community through programs and scholarships.  We also train faculty and staff to better understand military life and transition.


UNT Student Veteran Services

The UNT Student Veteran Services office serves as a safe place to help student veterans navigate the university resources for academic success.  The office focuses on removing barriers, providing a connection to resources, and giving due recognition of the service members in our UNT community.  For more information, please call 940-369-8021.


Student Organizations

The SALUTE Veterans Honor Society and its distinctive four-tier system recognizes American active military and student veterans who excelled academically.

The Student Veterans Association assists veterans, active duty members, reservists, National Guard members and their dependents to make an easier transition into the academic community. This group provides camaraderie and support through monthly meetings and social programs throughout the academic year.

For more information about these organizations, call UNT Student Veteran Services at 940-369-8021.


Peer Support

Through Student Veteran Peer Mentor services, student veterans are available to help you and your dependents make the challenging transition from the military to student life. Our peer mentors have served in the U.S. Army, Navy and the Texas National Guard and are ready to answer your questions.  To speak to a Student Veteran Peer Mentor, call 940-565-3566.


Health and Well Being

UNT's Counseling and Testing Services in Chestnut Hall offers individual, group and couples counseling and testing opportunities, with an emphasis on the specific issues facing veterans.

We also provide you with family and parenting services.

The Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Clinic at UNT's Speech and Hearing Center and its staff provide comprehensive clinical audiologic diagnostic services to veterans, along with rehabilitation and assistive devices when needed. 

The Office of Disability Accommodation can assist with adaptive strategies and academic accommodations if you qualify for disability accommodations. For more information, visit the office in Sage Hall, Suite 167.


Academic Support

Professional academic advisors are available to help you select your major and to help guide you in course selection each year. Each college or school at UNT has advisors on staff to answer your questions and set up your degree plan.

The UNT Student Writing Lab can help you with writing skills, both in person and online.

The Learning Center supports academic excellence through individual and group programs, such as tutoring and study skills.

The Career Center can help with every aspect of your job search.  Career advisers, who are assigned to specific colleges and schools, are ready to meet with you individually.


Career Phase:
  • Veterans
  • Retired Military
  • Transitioning Military
Discharges Allowed:
  • No Minimum Discharge
Military Branch:
  • All/Any
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Virtual - Online Only
Services Category:
  • Education
  • Education - Public University or College
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
  • No Disability Requirement
Vet Plus: