VA - Vet Center - Dallas

Vet Centers across the country provide a broad range of counseling, outreach, and referral services to combat Veterans and their families. Vet Centers guide Veterans and their families through many of the major adjustments in lifestyle that often occur after a Veteran returns from combat. Services for a Veteran may include individual and group counseling in areas such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), alcohol and drug assessment, and suicide prevention referrals. All services are free of cost and are strictly confidential.


Any Veterans and active duty Service members, to include members of the National Guard and Reserve components, who:

  • Have served on active military duty in any combat theater or area of hostility*

  • Experienced a military sexual trauma;

  • Provided direct emergent medical care or mortuary services, while serving on active military duty, to the casualties of war, or;

  • Served as a member of an unmanned aerial vehicle crew that provided direct support to operations in a combat zone or area of hostility.

  • Vietnam Era veterans who have accessed care at a Vet Center prior to January 1, 2004 Vet Center services are also provided to family members of Veterans and Service members for military related issues when it is found aid in the readjustment of those that have served. This includes bereavement counseling for families who experience an active duty death.

*Service in combat theater or area of hostility to include but not limited to:

World War II  (including American Merchant Marines) Korean War Vietnam War Lebanon Grenada Desert Storm/ Desert Shield
Bosnia Kosovo Operations in the former Yugoslavia area  Global War on Terrorism Operation Enduring Freedom Operation Freedom's Sentinel Operation Iraqi Freedom Operation New Dawn


Readjustment Counseling:

Readjustment counseling is a wide range of psycho social services offered to eligible Veterans, Service members, and their families in the effort to make a successful transition from military to civilian life.  They include:

  • Individual and group counseling for Veterans, Service members, and their families
  • Family counseling for military related issues
  • Bereavement counseling for families who experience an active duty death
  • Military sexual trauma counseling and referral
  • Outreach and education including PDHRA, community events, etc.
  • Substance abuse assessment and referral
  • Employment assessment & referral
  • VBA benefits explanation and referral
  • Screening & referral for medical issues including TBI, depression, etc.

Bereavement Counseling:

Bereavement counseling is assistance and support to people with emotional and psychological stress after the death of a loved one.  Bereavement counseling includes a broad range of transition services, including outreach, counseling, and referral services to family members.

Does VA Have Bereavement Counseling for Surviving Family Members?

The Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) offers bereavement counseling to parents, spouses and children of Armed Forces personnel who died in the service of their country.  Also eligible are family members of reservists and National Guardsmen who die while on duty.

Military Sexual Trauma (MST):

Military sexual trauma counseling may include individual or group counseling, marital and family counseling, referral for benefits assistance, liaison with community agencies or substance abuse information and referral to help you deal with the emotions of military sexual trauma and regain confidence in your everyday life.

Am I eligible for military sexual trauma counseling?

Any veteran who was sexually traumatized while serving in the military is eligible to receive counseling regardless of gender or era of service.



Career Phase:
Discharges Allowed:
Military Branch:
Programs for Family Members:
  • Caregivers
  • Military Spouse
  • Military Child
  • Surviving Spouse
  • Surviving Child
  • Vet Spouse
  • Vet Children
Service Counties:
  • Dallas
Services Category:
  • Mental Health
  • Mental Health - Counseling
  • Mental Health - Death and Bereavement
  • Mental Health - MST
  • Mental Health - PTSD
  • Mental Health - TBI
  • Mental Health - Caregiver Support
  • Mental Health - Peer Support
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
Vet Plus: