Valley Initiative for Development and Advancement


VIDA welcomes your interest in our unique training model. Our staff will work diligently with you to help you find the resources you need to attend college in a demand occupation. In addition to providing the necessary financial assistance you may need, VIDA is also committed to providing you with case management and career counseling. VIDA's process for entry into our program is extensive and will require your time and commitment. Our Case Managers will help you develop a Training Plan to determine your commitment to a long term training program. They will work with you to help you understand your abilities, determine a career path, and develop academic goals.Placement SessionsIn order to attend a placement session, you must first view the orientation video here. After you have seen the video and you are interested in applying for assistance, you continue with the online registration process which will ask you a series of questions. Please keep in mind that VIDA is participating ISIS, a random assignment, national study of promising programs designed to assist low-income individuals in career pathways, there will be more participants than slots available, and as such, you may qualify for assistance and not receive assistance. Those chosen to participate in the study will be part of the national study. More detailed information on ISIS will be covered at the placement session. For more information on Placement Session dates, please viist our website at or call 1-855-600-VIDARequirementsResident of the Rio Grande Valley.18 years or older.Eligible to work in the United States.Below federal poverty guidelines, orUnderemployed with family responsibilities earning less than $8.50, or Unemployed with family responsibilities registered with the Texas Workforce Commission.Required documentationIdentification (Texas I.D. or Driver's licence)Birth certificate or U.S. residency documentsSocial Security CardProof of selective serviceProof of residence - current electric, water or gas bill or Medicaid letter with name and address. If the bills are not under your name, we will need a statement for the person whose name appears on the bill and a copy of the bill.Copy of GED or High School Diploma / High School Transcript.Nursing and Allied Health applicants: Acceptance letter.THEA scores / ACCUPLACER scores / Compass ScoresDegree plan for program of studyCopy of current transcripts (official)Statement of accountDetail Class scheduleFinancial Aid Award / Denial LetterVoter's Registration CardTurn In All of the following for Proof of Income:

  • Current food stamps / TANF printout with applicant listed as reciepient
  • Unemployed insurance benefit documentation or TWC work history printout if unemployed.
  • Underemployed (if making less than 8.50 per hour) - recent check stub with visible wage.
  • Low income:
    - Last 6 months wage information for all household members employed or receiving benefits such as social security, veterans, workman's comp or disability.
    - Self Employed income for the last six months
    - Other income


Career Phase:
  • No Requirement
Discharges Allowed:
  • No Minimum Discharge
Military Branch:
  • No Requirement
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Cameron
  • Hidalgo
  • Willacy
  • Starr
Services Category:
  • Education - Certifications and Vo-Tech Schools
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
  • No Disability Requirement
Vet Plus:
  • No Requirement