Texas Driver's License (or Texas State ID) with Veteran Designation 
Veteran Designation for Driver Licenses and Identification Cards
DPS offers a VETERAN designation printed on the face of driver licenses and identification cards for qualifying veterans.
EligibilityTo be eligible for the veteran designation, an individual must be a veteran who was honorably discharged.
For this purpose, a veteran is someone who served in the:
- U.S. Army
- Navy
- Marine Corps
- Air Force
- Coast Guard
- Texas National Guard (but not Texas State Guard), including the Texas Army and Air National Guard
Verification of Veteran and Discharge StatusTo request the Veteran designation, outside of your DL or ID renewal period, a Veteran must visit a driver license office and present one of the following:
- DD-214
- DD-215
- NGB-22
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs disability letter
- A Texas concealed handgun license (CHL) or license to carry (LTC) with a veteran designator
The document presented, may be a copy or an original and must show the veteran received an honorable discharge or a general discharge (under honorable conditions). To request the Veteran designation within your renewal period, the request may be made by mail or by visiting a driver license office.
The VA VHIC (Veteran Health ID Card)
This card allows you access to the VA healthcare system.
Purpose of the VHIC
The VHIC is for identification and check-in at VA appointments. It cannot be used as a credit card or an insurance card, and it does not authorize or pay for care at non-VA facilities.
How to Receive a VHIC
Veterans must be enrolled in the VA health care system to receive a VHIC. To enroll, effective immediately, Veterans who served in a theater of combat operations after November 11, 1998, can complete applications for enrollment in VA health care by telephone without the need for a signed paper application. All other Veterans may apply by phone starting July 5, 2016. You may also apply for enrollment online at www.va.gov/healthbenefits/enroll, call 1-877-222-VETS (8387) Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET., or in person at your local VA medical facility. Once your enrollment is verified, you may have your picture taken at your local VA medical center, so that a VHIC can be mailed to you.
When Veterans choose to enroll, VA offers an enhancement to their enrollment experience through "Welcome to VA" (W2VA). W2VA enhances communication by reaching out to newly enrolled Veterans through personal phone calls upon enrollment, providing assistance with health care inquiries and assisting with their initial appointment at their preferred VA healthcare facility. In addition, VA sends each new enrollee an introductory letter and personalized Veterans Health Benefits Handbook in the mail.
THE VA VIC (Veteran ID Card) Program is now live.
On July 20, 2015, the president signed into law the Veterans Identification Card Act of 2015. This act allows Veterans to apply for an identification card directly from VA. The VA identification card will allow Veterans to demonstrate proof of service for discounts at private restaurants and businesses.
It should be noted that the identification card is different from a Veteran Health Identification card or a DoD Uniformed Services or retiree ID card. As such, the VA identification cards cannot be used as proof of eligibility to any federal benefits and does not grant access to military installations.
If you already have a photo ID issued by the Department of Defense or a Veterans Health ID, you don’t need the new card. To request a VIC, Veterans must visit vets.gov, click on “Sign In” in the top right hand corner and establish an ID.me account. Once the Veteran verifies their identity they may request to “Apply for the Veteran ID Card.” Watch the video for more information.