Veterans Court - Bexar County

With the passage of SB 1940, Bexar County staff, veterans groups, representatives from the Veterans Administration and other interested persons designed and implemented the Bexar County Veterans Treatment Court. The Veterans Court docket is called in County Court at Law #6.

The court promotes sobriety, recovery and stability through a coordinated response that involves the cooperation and collaboration with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs health care networks, the Veterans Benefits Administration, volunteer veteran mentors, veterans family support organizations, the Center for Health Care Services and the Bexar County Veterans Services Office.

Veterans Court

The Bexar County Veterans Court promotes sobriety, recovery and stability through a coordinated response that involves the cooperation and collaboration with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs health care networks, the Veterans Benefits Administration, volunteer veteran mentors, veterans family support organizations, the Center for Health Care Services and the Bexar County Veterans Services Office.

Based on the successful Drug Court model, the Veterans Treatment Court will serve veterans struggling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), addiction, mental illness and/or co-occurring disorders. The long term goal of this problem-solving court is the restoration of the veteran's quality of life and the reduction of conflicts that might lead to additional incarceration events. This goal will be accomplished by providing the veteran with the treatment and supportive services.

Case Management

The Veterans Treatment Court has a case management component that promotes service coordination and easier access to services such as employment, education, housing, and benefits counseling. The Bexar County Veterans Treatment Court is the 1st in the county to have a pre-trial diversion component.

Track I

For veterans who are accepted for the pre-trial component (Track I) of the Veterans Court, successful completion of the Veterans Court program will mean that their case will be dismissed with no criminal conviction on their record. Participation in the program is generally 1 year.

Track II

For veterans who are accepted in the probation component (Track II), the veteran is expected to participate in and comply with the treatment plan and terms of probation. Generally, the term of probation is 1 year.

The veteran's compliance will determine how often the veteran must meet with the judge and the other members of the treatment team.

Substance abuse and mental health services are provided by the Veterans Administration. Under certain circumstances, substance abuse and mental health services can be provided by the Center for Health Care Services.


Career Phase:
Discharges Allowed:
  • No Minimum Discharge
Military Branch:
  • No Requirement
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Bexar
Services Category:
  • Legal - Criminal and Vet Courts
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
  • No Disability Requirement
Vet Plus: