Veterans Court - Collin County

The Collin County Veterans Court program services those combat veterans who have suffered an injury in combat which resulted in an offense (justice-involved veterans, or JIV).

Our mission is to provide support and rehabilitation opportunities to qualified criminal defendants whose crimes were materially connected to combat injuries suffered as a result of honorable service in the United States Armed Forces.

To qualify for the Veterans Court program, the individual must have served in combat, been injured in combat (including PTSD, related substance abuse issue, Traumatic Brain Injury, Major Depressive Disorder, or other combat related mental illness) and that injury resulted in the commission of a criminal offense. Some offenses are not eligible for entry.

Participants will develop an individualized treatment plan.  A phase system is utilized to measure participant progress. Services for education, counseling, and other needs are provided by outside agencies. Participants are referred to these agencies throughout the program as needed.

Some of program guidelines:

  • Supervision Monitoring - A case manager will monitor each participant placed in the program. The case manager will work closely with the program manager and service providers.
  • Compliance Hearing - All participants are required to attend bi-monthly compliance hearings. During the hearing, the progress of each participant is reviewed in open court. Both incentives and sanctions are used as methods of motivation.
  • Disposition of Court Case The Veterans' Court Diversion Program is a 6-to-24 month program. The period directly relates to the participant's needs and/or compliance.

Subject to program fee up to $750. JIV may be responsible for costs of treatment service.

Criteria for participation:

  • Veteran or current member of the United States Armed Forces, including a member of the Reserves, National Guard, or State Guard
  • Connection between offense and military service; and military service materially affected the JIV's criminal conduct at issue in the case.
  • Honorable or General Under Honorable Conditions Accepted

Referrals are from a variety of sources, including law enforcement, jail staff, judges, defense attorneys, prosecutors, mental health professionals, and family or friends.


Career Phase:
  • Retired Military
  • Transitioning Military
  • Veterans
Discharges Allowed:
  • No Minimum Discharge
Military Branch:
  • No Requirement
Programs for Family Members:
Service Counties:
  • Collin
Services Category:
  • Legal - Criminal and Vet Courts
VA Disability Rating Requirement:
  • No Disability Requirement
Vet Plus:
  • Combat Wounded