TVLP - Texas Veterans Leadership Program
Individual job search from veterans for veterans and resume help for IAV
Individual job search from veterans for veterans and resume help for IAV
Administers Hazlewood act, assists veterans with educational opportunities
Provides veterans and their families the tools they need to overcome life challenges after military service through the following services:
Regional MHMR: Provides Mental Health Services, Counseling, Medications, and Coping Skills for Veterans, Military, and all who qualify financially.
VA disability claims workers embedded in the VA locations across the state
State-wide resources for all Texans and veterans. Help areas from: mental/physical health, rent & utilities, and more.
BiGAUSTIN is Central Texas’ single-source solution for entrepreneurial education, tailored business counseling and flexible loans.
Civil (non-criminal) legal assistance, civil rights help, for veterans income range: under $35k (for one person) to $71k (family of 4)
Housing, case management, and homeless services for veterans across Texas. As of 2018-04-23, emergency financial aid is only for VASH clients.
Connects veterans and military families to small peer support groups staffed by veteran volunteers and other community resources.