VA - Vet Centers
Free confidential counseling for veterans and their families
Free confidential counseling for veterans and their families
Civil (non-criminal) legal assistance, civil rights help, for veterans income range: under $35k (for one person) to $71k (family of 4)
Vet Center- mental health services, alternative hours and quick appointments.
Housing, case management, and homeless services for veterans across Texas. As of 2018-04-23, emergency financial aid is only for VASH clients.
Beaumont area food bank, help applying for benefits, help for seniors
Substance abuse help and prevention ages 13 and up.
VA Outpatient clinic in Beaumont, TX
Business training offioce just for veterans! Free, and through the Small Business Administration + UTRGV
Medical equipment and assistive technology for Texas veterans and their family members.
Federal-Level VA Appeals only: Provides free assistance with federal appeals for Veterans Claims & Discharge Upgrades to Veterans, their family members, and survivors.